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Call: 352-404-7898


MEN's Empowerment

The Men’s Empowerment Program is a vital community support initiative dedicated to providing men with the emotional support and practical guidance they need to navigate the challenges and concerns associated with parenting and the unique experiences that come with being a man. Our program is designed to offer comprehensive support, guidance, and education to individuals actively engaged in serving men's community needs.  By participating in Men's Empowerment Program support groups, men gain valuable insights into their lives as men and develop the tools to take meaningful action in addressing issues related to relationships, abuse, and parenting. This is achieved through a multi-faceted approach that involves raising awareness, educating men, fostering volunteerism, and advocating for men's well-being.  At M.E.N., we bring together a community of men who are committed to learning how to overcome the challenges they face and providing unwavering support to one another. Our program aims to facilitate personal growth, foster strong fellowship among participants, promote awareness of mental health issues, and guide men towards achieving their goals and finding success.  Join Men’s Empowerment Program today and embark on a journey of personal development, meaningful connections, and a greater understanding of your own well-being. Don't miss this opportunity to be a part of a supportive and empowering community of men. JOIN M.E.N. TODAY and take the first step towards a brighter future!

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About Us

ACSI is a 501c3 non-profit community-based organization that provides services to citizens of Florida and abroad.

Our primary focus is on youth, single women with children, and the elderly who are economically and technologically disadvantaged.

We provide training and development to our target population in order to promote self-sufficiency. We empower our clients with the necessary knowledge to promote lasting change, by teaching the principles to become small business owners and entrepreneurs in order to create and maintain jobs in their local communities.

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